Genius Innovation Leaves Behind a Legacy... ✨ |
PyExpo is an annual event organized by KGiSL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. It is a grand event conducted exclusively for the 1st year students to enhance their real-world problem-solving skills using Python Programming with the guidance of industry mentors.
Deliverables will be announced shortly. All participants will receive Certificate of Participation.
Problem statements will be based on following tech domains.
* NOTE: Open the Above link with college mail id.
The Industry Mentors of PyExpo'24
Senior Software Developer | Pinesphere
Lead ML Engineer | Nunnari Labs Pvt Ltd
Innovation Lead | KGXperience
Developer | House of Metazord
Developer | House of Metazord
R and D Engineer | Nunnari Labs Pvt Ltd
Senior Software Developer | Pinesphere
AI Engineer | Nunnari Labs Pvt Ltd
Project Executive | Pinesphere
Junior Software Developer | Pinesphere
BackEnd Developer - Nunnari Labs Pvt Ltd
Junior Software Developer | Pinesphere
Edge AI Developer - Nunnari Labs Pvt Ltd
Junior Software Developer | Pinesphere
Junior Software Developer | Pinesphere
The Faculty Mentors of PyExpo'24
The Student Mentors of PyExpo'24
The Student Technical Team of PyExpo'24
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
Technical Team
PyExpo'24 Website Developer - Designer & Editor
Technical Team
Chief Designer,
Technical Team
Media Editor,
Technical Team
The OverAll Student Coordinators Of PyExpo'24
Answers to the most frequently asked questions!
The hackathon is open for Students from all the departments of First Year . It is the right place for anyone who's interested in learning and innovating with their ideas in Python.
01NO, Interdisciplinary is not accepted at PyExpo'24. As per the rules, you can form teams of 4-5 members from your department only.
02The registration would be simply done by just clicking the Apply with Devfolio button. Click here and Register your team details in DevFolio. Registrations end on 5th March 2024
03No worries, Interest in learning and working with technology is much more important than your current experience level.
04We are going to announce some really exciting prizes and incentives soon. Stay tuned for further updates!
05Yes! We believe that you’re stronger as a team than apart. You can form teams of 4-6 members. Most teams aim to have a mix of people with both design and development skills.